
Red pine

(Pinus resinosa)

Red Pine is a slow-growing native tree found mainly in Eastern Canada. In homogeneous stands, often in plantations, or in mixed natural stands in association with White Pine or Jack Pine, it can reach diameters up to 60 cm and heights of 25 m. Since the wood grain is straight and readily treated with preservatives, Red Pine is an excellent species for outdoor applications. It can also be used for structural lumber because of its relatively high strength.


The heartwood’s colour ranges from light brown to reddish brown, whereas the sapwood is yellowish white.


Red Pine wood is relatively light and moderately hard. The wood grain is straight and tapering is minimal. Compared with the heartwood, the sapwood is relatively wide.

Common applications

The thick rings of the Red Pine’s sapwood means it can be readily treated with preservatives. Red Pine can therefore be used outdoors and in contact with soil, and is suitable for poles, piling, railway ties and balconies. Red pine also has great qualities for appearance applications such as boards, panelling, log houses, exterior woodwork, wooden toys, household articles and garden tools. This tree can also be used for most construction work, but is rarely used as lumber since it is more valuable for making boards and poles. Other applications: finger-joined lumber and glulam.

Machine properties in decreasing order of the overall performance of 17 species*
Red pineEastern HemlockSpruce, Pine, Fir Group (SPF)White PineRed pineScots pineSouthern Yellow PineSapin Douglas
Pinus resinosaTsuga canadensisPicea mariana, Pinus banksiana, Abies sativaPinus strobusPinus resinosaPinus sylvestrisPinus alustrisPseudotsuga mensiesii
Volumic mass (kg/m3)401429420368401512657487
Modulus of rupture (kiln-dried)(MOR)(MPa)7081786570849787
Modulus of elasticity (MPa)9 45012 30010 5009 3809 45010 10013 50013 500
Hardness Jenka (N)2 1202 7402 4301 6502 1202 4203 9002 990
Dimensional shrinkage7 %11 %11 %8 %7 %7 %12 %12 %

Excellent: **** Very good: *** Good: ** Fair: *

Sources:Canadian Standard Association (CSA) O86

Jessomme, A. P., Strength and Related Properties of Wood Grown in Canada, Forintek Canada Corp., 1995

Tree talk, Wood of the World, 1997

The Wood Explorer, 2001-2002

Nominal (inches) and actual (mm) dimensions *
Inches (’’)Length in feet(’)Millimetres (mm)Length in metres (m)
Blocks4 x 4’’6 x 6’’6 à 16’8 à 16’89 mm to 140 mm1,83 to 4,88 m

2,44 to 4,88 m

Floors (épaisseur 3/4’’ thickness ; 19 mm)4 à 12’’6 à 16’101,6 to 304,8 mm1,83 to 4,88
PolesMinimum diameter: 7 à 9’’42 à 62’178 to 229 mm12,8 to 18,9 m

*Other dimensions and lengths available upon request
